Platonos - Platonos Projects - The Platonos Plugin 2 Engine - Platonos PluginEngine 2 Tutorials
Tutorials will show you simle examples of starting the plugin engine, how to indicate where to find plugins, providing application wide attributes that plugins can use, building plugins and all the details involved. Each tutorial will go into more detail as you progress through them. Below you'll find each tutorial and a brief description of what it covers. Click on the tutorial title to view the tutorial.Tutorial 1 - Starting the Plugin Engine
This tutorial will introduce you to using the API to instantiate the engine and how to specify locations to find plugins at.
Tutorial 2 - Building a simple plugin
Your first plugin will wet your appetite for how easy it is to develop plugins. This tutorial will start off the explanation of the plugin configuration file, the directory structure of a plugin and the differences between a single file plugin archive and the expanded directory plugin format.
Tutorial 7 - Dependencies
Plugins can depend on other plugins, make use of their classes and any embeded libraries. Another thing were plugins can depend on are a JRE version This tutorial will explain how it works, the rules to follow, pitfalls to watch out for and more.